A crappy photo, I know. But this is how attuned my eyes are to finding ugly stuff on the street. Ugly stuff that has *Potential*. Halfway down this lane is a stack of four outdoor chairs which are leaning up against a wall. I spotted them whilst dragging cedar around the block. A dog that hates walking who knew there was such a thing. The chairs are grey now and have grass shoved into the joins like they were dragged around behind a tractor for a few hours but ho ho! Just you wait! and wait you probably will because I don't know what it is about this year but sheesh I'm on fire. Gung ho. Projects galore. Don't know where to start.
This laser sharp focus on crap is a type of survival skill. The part of my brain ( that eats chairs) is always hungry but when it gets a find and can chew over all the *potentialities* of the thing then it is happy and at the end of it hopefully I literally get to eat too. You will be hearing a lot more on the subject of potential.
March 2014
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